It's so sad...he's growing like a weed. We're already starting to outgrow newborn clothes...lengthwise that is. :( I'm determined he will at least wear them one more time...but I think that will probably be about it.
We've also got a case of baby acne on our hands. I know, I know it won't scar and it will heal on it's own but it still makes me sad. My poor little boy! I just wish there was something to speed up the healing process.
This past week we also had our first "real" outing to Grandma & Grandpa's (Josh's parents) for Aunt Onnah's Tenth Birthday. Maddox did great and slept the majority of the time.
Yesterday, Maddox had his first ride in the John Deere Gator with his Great-Grandpa. He also enjoys taking walks to the barn to see the horses. My little farm boy!
It's so hard to believe in just a few days he'll be 3 weeks! I will be posting a 3-week picture. (I had all plans to post a 2-week one but time slipped away and we missed it)
Hailey had a rockin' case of baby acne -- as in there wasn't a clear spot on her little face. Our pediatrician told us to use 1% hydrocortisone cream and it cleared up in a couple of days. We still use it for her ecsema.
I can imagine you've stayed pretty busy! It sounds like Maddox is staying busy with all his little outings. I can't wait to see y'all again the next time I'm home. I won't be terrified to hold him now that he's got a few weeks (instead of hours) on him!
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