For as far back as I can remember we have all went to my Grandparents for Christmas brunch however my Grandma is no longer able to handle all the preparation that is involved. This has been something that I have looked forward to EVERY year as well as my siblings & cousins so I thought that in order to keep the tradition alive I would do it this year. So, we all gathered at my house for a brunch complete with Grandma's recipes (breakfast casserole, fruit compote, "Special Orange Juice"), Cinnabon muffins, cheese danish, sausage balls & so much more. Oh, and by "Special Orange Juice" I DO NOT mean alcoholic. It is an a combinatin of Sprite, orange juice, lemonade garnished with a cherry and of course served in a stemmed glass. I always felt so special as a little girl drinking out of Grandma's stemmed glassware! So, of course brunch would not have been complete without it.

Due to the weather, very rainy & nasty, my Grandparents were not able to make it to my house so afterwards we ALL (All 21 of us) headed to Grandma's for time around the tree!
I do believe I will be continuing this tradition. I just love that Maddox will be able to experience something that I enjoyed so much growing up.
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