Thursday, June 3, 2010

A First

Can you guess what the 1st is????

You got it, we bought Maddox his 1st Happy Meal.  Honestly, I never planned on him eating Happy Meals.  Not now, not even in the near future.  I planned on him eating totally healthy. But, then I realized that we all ate them and look we're still alive and I think I'm fairly healthy.  By no means will this be a regular occurance.  But every now and then what can it hurt?

I'm guessing he maybe ate a total of 2 (maybe) chicken nuggets and a handful of fries.  That was after I tore up the nuggets.  He could definitely bite them but when you're doing this....

4 Nuggets can sure go fast.  But, if you tear it up into little pieces perhaps he'll get 1 or 2 for himself.  

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

That is just precious! I love that he is feeding the doggie!


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