Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 26 Weeks (27 on Saturday)
Size of baby: Baby H is the size of English hothouse cucumber.
Maternity Clothes: Yes
Gender:A Boy! And being I haven't really announced it yet...Hudson James.
Movement: Getting stronger! And hiccuping all the time.
Sleep: Hit or miss, it's getting harder to get comfortable to actually go to sleep. Then add in the bathroom trips...
Cravings: PB & J sandwiches (weird) and sweets (not so good for the weight)
Symptons: Back pain.
Best Moment this week: Feeling our little boy get bigger & stronger. I honestly feel like he has had a major growth spurt in the last week.

Awww you look GREAT!! And Hudson James is such a sweet name...I love it! :)
You are so adorable! I can't wait to meet little Hudson!
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