Yesterday, Maddox & I decided to take a bit of a drive to pick up my sister-in-law (Sydney) from Appalachian so she could come home and meet Miss Paisley. This just happened to be the longest drive Maddox has been on yet. Two hours there & 2 hours back. As I started out I called Josh & told him that I must be plum crazy...Maddox was screaming & I despise driving in the mountains. However it ended up being a fairly nice trip. Fifteen minutes into the drive Maddox was snoozing & preceded to sleep for a hour. Good thing I brought help for that second hour though. The drive back was GREAT, he slept the entire ride. I totally meant to take a picture of him in his Aunt Sydney's dorm...but I guess I'm a slacker because there's no pictures. I guess that just means we'll have to go visit again...I'm sure Sydney won't mind.
All in all Maddox did great with the ride. I do believe it totally wore him out because he did a lot of napping today. Which was wonderful! And we still slept through the night, gotta love that.

I must close with a picture of my sweet little boy enjoying his swing, definitely a MUST HAVE.
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