Monday, December 5, 2011


As of a week ago the desktop has bit the dust. And more importantly all my pictures are trapped inside. Plus, as a blogger it is quite difficult to blog without a something must be done. But in the meantime the hubs & I are sharing his work laptop. I'm thinking a shiny new laptop may be in my future...or at least here's to hoping.

1 comment:

Running 365 said...

Oh no! I bet Owen can rescue your trapped pictures. I use Carbonite back-up. It's a few bucks a month but I immediately felt so relieved when I signed up for it because all my pictures/musics/documents are backed up automatically. My laptop completely lost it and I had to reformat it from factory settings but everything was saved online and I just downloaded it.

Maybe Santa (cough, cough, Josh) will bring you a laptop! : )


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