Monday, November 2, 2009

Snuggle Time

Who doesn't have sleeping baby pictures...I think they're the all time favorite for Mommas. Or perhaps it's just because baby's sleep. But nevertheless, isn't Maddox just the sweetest little thing sleeping (I suppose I'm a bit biased, haha). The only time we every put him in our bed is during snuggle time in the mornings or during the day. Since I've gone back to work I miss our morning snuggle times so much. We had gotten into such a routine of him getting up, eating & then laying back down with me. However, since I've gone back to work he tends to sleep until 9 or 10 (::jaw drops::) Yes, that's right, my baby loves to sleep in just like his momma. I can't complain about that...but I sure do miss my morning snuggle time.


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